.. _dns_routing: =========== DNS Routing =========== In order to access your applications from their URLs, you must complete DNS routing to the load balancer. The `ALB Controller `_ installed during ``k9 create cluster`` automatically handles routing traffic from the AWS load balancer to the kubernetes ingresses. Sample DNS Routing steps ------------------------ DNS routing steps will depend on your domain configuration. This is one possible way to complete DNS routing. * Find the load balancer (EC2->Load Balancers) for this cluster in the AWS Console. It is created automatically by the ALB Controller deployment when the standard apps are deployed. * Copy the ``DNS name`` value * Find the hosted zone for the rootDomain (Route 53 -> Hosted zones) and create a new record. * the record name should be \*.baseDomain from your cluster-config.yml * use type CNAME and input the ``DNS name`` as the value * wait for the status to say ``NSYNC`` You can now access the standard apps in your browser via * kibana.baseDomain * prometheus.baseDomain * grafana.baseDomain and if ``k9 create cicd`` was run, the applications are available at * jenkins.baseDomain * sonar.baseDomain Once the applications are deployed, new entries must be created for the new URLs as record names.