.. _cron_job: Cron Job -------- A `Cron Job `_ creates jobs that run on a specific timed interval. You'll want to create a YAML file describing the cron job:: apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: xx-ecr-login-cron spec: schedule: "* */8 * * *" successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 2 failedJobsHistoryLimit: 2 concurrencyPolicy: Forbid jobTemplate: spec: backoffLimit: 4 template: spec: serviceAccountName: ecr-cron-sa terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0 restartPolicy: Never containers: - name: ecr-login imagePullPolicy: Always image: simoncomputing/ecr-login:1.0 command: - "/login.sh" env: - name: ECR_URL valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: aws-info key: ecr-url - name: AWS_ACCOUNT valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: aws-info key: aws-account - name: AWS_REGION valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: aws-info key: region - name: NAMESPACES value: "default" This is an example of running a cron job that will create a container to run from a predefined Docker image. The **schedule** is in a standard `Cron `_ format. Note that you wil also want to run it with a service account that you've created with the appropriate permissions. .. autofunction:: k9.batch.list_cron_jobs .. autofunction:: k9.batch.create_cron_job .. autofunction:: k9.batch.delete_cron_job .. autofunction:: k9.batch.get_cron_job .. autofunction:: k9.batch.cron_job_exists