Source code for k9.apps

from k9.core import *
from kubernetes import client

# Deployments

[docs]def list_deployments(namespace: str = None): """ Lists deployments in a given namespace. :param namespace: Namespace you want to search. If None, the default namespace is used. :return: A list of deployment names. """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return [ { 'name':, 'ready': f'{deployment.status.ready_replicas}/{deployment.status.replicas}', 'available': deployment.status.available_replicas, 'up-to-date': deployment.status.updated_replicas, 'age': get_age(deployment.metadata.creation_timestamp) } for deployment in client.AppsV1Api().list_namespaced_deployment(namespace).items ]
[docs]def deployment_exists(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Returns True if the specified deployment exists. :param name: The name of the deployment :param namespace: The namespace to search in. If none, we use the default namespace. :return: True if the deployment exists in the specified namespace (or default if not provided). """ try: if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() result = get_deployment(name, namespace) return == name except: return False
[docs]def get_deployment(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Get a specific deployment by name. :param name: Name of deployment to retrieve. :param namespace: Namespace to search. If None, the default namespace is used. :return: `V1Deployment <>`_ """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return client.AppsV1Api().read_namespaced_deployment(name, namespace)
[docs]def create_deployment(body: dict, namespace: str = None): """ Create a deployment from a definition file: :param body: Deployment Description - :param namespace: Namespace to create Deployment in. If None, the default namespace is used. :return: `V1Deployment <>`_ You'll most likely create a deployment configuration file and import that in as follows: Sample YAML file:: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: tomcat-dev spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: tomcat env: dev strategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 1 minReadySeconds: 5 template: metadata: labels: app: tomcat env: dev spec: containers: - name: tomcat image: tomcat:7 ports: - containerPort: 8080 env: - name: DS_URL valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: tomcat-dev key: ds-url - name: DS_USR valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: tomcat-dev key: username - name: DS_PWD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: tomcat-dev key: password Example:: import k9.helper as k9 body = k9.read_yaml('tomcat-deploy-dev.yml') k9.create_deployment(body) """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return client.AppsV1Api().create_namespaced_deployment(namespace, body)
[docs]def delete_deployment(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Delete the specified deployment. :param name: Name of deployment to remove. :param namespace: Namespace to remove deployment from. If None, the default namespace is used. :return: None if deployment did not exist, otherwise `V1Status <>`_ """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() if deployment_exists(name, namespace): return client.AppsV1Api().delete_namespaced_deployment(name, namespace) else: return None
[docs]def update_deployment_image(name: str, container: str, image: str, namespace: str = None): """ Updates the specified deployment name with a new image tag for the container. The container name must match the container name specified in the original deployment. This will perform a rolling update if max_unavailable replicas is less than the total number of replicas for the cluster. :param name: Name of the deployment to update :param container: Name of the container within the deployment to update. :param image: The image and tag of the image to update the container to. :param namespace: The namespace to find the deployment in. If None, the default namespace is used. :return: `V1Deployment <>`_ The following example results in a rolling update to to Tomcat 8:: update_deployment_image(deploy_name, 'tomcat', 'tomcat:8') Note that the container name matches the specification of the deployment YAML shown above and changes the version of Tomcat from version 7 to version 8. """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() body = { 'apiVersion': "apps/v1", 'kind': "Deployment", 'metadata': { 'name': name }, 'spec': { 'template': { 'spec': { 'containers': [ { 'name': container, 'image': image } ] } } } } return client.AppsV1Api().patch_namespaced_deployment(name, namespace, body)
[docs]def scale_deployment(name: str, spec: str, namespace: str = None): """ Updates the scaling specification for this deployment. :param name: Name of deployment to update. :param spec: The updated specification of the scaling parameters. :param namespace: The namespace to update the deployment in. If namespace is None, the default namespace is used. :return: `V1Scale <>`_ Other useful references: Example to scale up the deployment to 3 replicas:: spec = { 'replicas': 3 } scale_deployment(deploy_name, spec) """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() body = { 'apiVersion': "apps/v1", 'kind': "Deployment", 'metadata': { 'name': "tomcat-dev" }, 'spec': spec } return client.AppsV1Api().patch_namespaced_deployment_scale(name, namespace, body)