
You must have Helm 3.0 installed for this functionality to work.

Helm is an automation tool for creating all the Kubernetes resources needed to deploy a single application. This is done by creating a “Chart” that describes the components of your installation. When a chart is instantiated, a “Release” is created.

The helm_install() function makes some assumptions about the environment. Values for charts are placed in a subdirectory name charts/. If you don’t provide a release_name, it is derived from the last word in the chart_name. For example, if the chart_name is “stable/tomcat”, “tomcat” is the release name.

Finally, the YAML file with modified values are stored using the following naming pattern: charts/{{release_name}}-values.yaml

A directory structure would look like this:



Let’s say the only thing we want to modify on the Tomcat chart was ingress information. The contents of tomcat-values.yaml would look like this:

  enabled: true
    - tomcat.{{domain}}
    - hosts:
        - tomcat.{{domain}}

Note that we are using Jinja2 templating syntax. When we call helm_install, we can provide the value of all template variables in the param parameters.

You can see this in the following example of deploy.py:

from k9.helm import *
form k9.core import set_default_namespace()

// Set the namespace to install into
helm_install('stable/tomcat', {'domain': 'sandbox.simoncomputing.com'})

In the above example, what will happen is the charts/tomcat-values.yaml file will be translated using Jinja to another file .output/tomcat-values.yaml. That file will look like this:

  enabled: true
    - tomcat.sandbox.simoncomputing.com
    - hosts:
        - tomcat.sandbox.simoncomputing.com

From that point the helm command is called like this:

helm install -f .output/tomcat-values.yaml tomcat stable/tomcat

Note that all Helm functions will throw an exception if an error occurs.

k9.helm.helm_repo_add(repo_name: str, repo_url: str)[source]

Adds the repository to the current kubernetes environment.

  • repo_name – Local name of repository

  • repo_url – URL of repository


output string on success, exception if failure.


Update the local copy of the repository with the current repository.


output string on success, exception if failure.


Lists available repositories.


Object derived from JSON output, exception on failure.

k9.helm.helm_repo_remove(repo_name: str)[source]

Removes a repository.




output string on success, exception if failure.

k9.helm.helm_install(chart_name: str, params, release_name: Optional[str] = None, values_path: Optional[str] = None, debug=False, namespace: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Runs the Helm installation for the specified chart. Before the chart is installed, the values file which should have the same name as the release_name will be evaluated with Jinja, using the parameters to build the new values file.

The values file is written to the .output/{{release-name}}-values.yaml.

Helm installation is run with this ‘values.yaml’ file and on the default namespace set using set_default_namespace()

  • chart_name – Name of Chart.

  • params – Parameter values in a Dictionary used when pre-processing values. If it is not a dictionary, the vars() function is run on the object to create a dictionary.

  • release_name – If None - release_name is defaulted to the last word in chart_name. For example if chart_name is “stable/tomcat”, the release_name is “tomcat”. Release name is also used to construct the charts values file in the following format: ./charts/{{release_name}}-values.yaml

  • values_path – Override values file location

  • debug – If True, runs Helm with –debug and –dry-run, which will not actually run and displays the chart values. Default is False.

  • namespace – Namespace to install the chart on. If None, we use the default namespace.


output string on success, exception if failure.

k9.helm.helm_uninstall(release_name: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Uninstalls the specified release.

  • release_name – Name of the release you want to uninstall.

  • namespace – Namespace to uninstall the chart from. If None, we use the default namespace.


Returns output value from uninstall process. Otherwise, throws exception.

k9.helm.helm_ls(namespace: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Lists all current helm installations.


namespace – Namespace to list charts from. If None, we use the default namespace.


List of all helm installations. Throws exception on error.

Sample Output:

    "updated":"2019-12-10 18:28:43.753814 -0500 EST",
k9.helm.helm_exists(release_name: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Returns true if the specified release_name exist.

  • release_name – Name of release.

  • namespace – Namespace to check for the chart in. If None, we use the default namespace.


True if found.