Source code for k9.cluster_init

import base64
import json
import os, time
import pathlib
import subprocess

from kubernetes import client, config as kube_config
import requests
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader

from k9.helm import helm_install, helm_repo_add, helm_repo_update, helm_exists, helm_uninstall
from k9.core import namespace_exists, set_default_namespace, create_namespace, abs_path, list_pods, wait_for_pod, \
    run_command, read_yaml, set_run_output, refresh_kubeconfig, get_secret, \
    create_app_databases, delete_app_database, secret_exists, create_secret, connect_to_cluster, shell, render_template
from import storage_class_exists
from k9.apps import deployment_exists, create_deployment

from aws import cluster, cfm, cert, ec2, secret, iam, util, rds, region


# util for jinja'ing XML
def write_templated_config(name: str, env, params):
    if not isinstance(params, dict):
        params = vars(params)
    template = env.get_template(name)
    template_body = template.render(params)
    if not os.path.exists('./.output/config'):
        if not os.path.exists('./.output'):
    path = f'./.output/config/{name}'

    f = open(path, 'w+')
    return f'./.output/config/{name}'

def get_alb_controller_image_repo():
    ALB Controller installation needs to get its image from the same region the cluster is deployed in.

    :returns: ECR url for the current region to pass into helm value image.repo
    current_region = region.get_default_region()

    repos = {
        'us-gov-east-1': '',
        'us-gov-west-1': '',
        'us-east-1': ''

    if current_region not in repos:
        print('Using us-east-1 image for ALB Controller. If the install fails to ready, check '
              ' for your region and fix with'
              'the following command.')
        print('helm upgrade aws-load-balancer-controller --set image.repository=<REPO_WITHOUT_IMAGE_TAG> --reuse-values simoncomputing/aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system')

        # vast majority of regions can use the same as us-east-1 (all non-gov us regions)
        current_region = 'us-east-1'

    return repos[current_region]

def install_aws_load_balancer_controller(params: dict):
    Installs the ALB controller helm chart and waits for the pods to ready.

    :param params: a dictionary containing the params to insert into the chart's values.yaml

    :returns: None on success. Error if install fails.
    if not helm_exists('aws-load-balancer-controller', 'kube-system'):
        params['albRepoUrl'] = get_alb_controller_image_repo()
        namespace = 'kube-system'
        helm_install('simoncomputing/aws-load-balancer-controller', params,
                     values_path=abs_path('yaml/aws-load-balancer-controller-values.yml'), namespace=namespace,

        alb_pod = ''
        # get pod
        attempts = 0
        while attempts < 5:
            pods = list_pods(namespace)
            for p in pods:
                if p.get('name', '').find('aws-load-balancer-controller') != -1:
                    alb_pod = p.get('name', False)
            attempts += 1

        # wait for pod to be ready
        if not wait_for_pod(alb_pod, namespace, timeout=300):
            raise ValueError('aws-load-balancer-controller did not ready')

def install_aws_tools(params: dict):
    Installs charts/deployments from/for AWS resources. These are a storage class corresponding to EBS volumes,
    EKS autoscaling parameters, and the ALB/ingress controller
    :param params: a dictionary containing the params to insert into the charts' values.yaml
    :return: True on success, exception if failure.
    helm_repo_add('simoncomputing', SIMON_CHARTS)
    if not storage_class_exists('standard'):
        print('storage class: "standard" not found. Creating standard storage class...')
        result = run_command('kubectl', 'apply', '-f', abs_path('yaml/default-sc.yml'))
        errors = result.stderr
        if errors:
            print('An error was encountered when creating the standard storage class.')
            raise ValueError(errors)
        print('Standard storage class successfully created.')
        helm_install('simoncomputing/aws-storage', {}, release_name='aws-storage',
    if not deployment_exists('cluster-autoscaler'):
        env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(abs_path('yaml/autoscaler')), autoescape=True)
        run_command('kubectl', 'apply', '-f', abs_path('yaml/autoscaler/infra.yml'))
        auto_deploy = read_yaml(write_templated_config('deploy.yml', env, params))
        create_deployment(auto_deploy, 'kube-system')


    return True

[docs]def install_jenkins(params: dict, namespace='cicd'): """ Installs Jenkins to the current kubernetes environment. :param params: a dictionary containing the params to insert into the jenkins chart's values.yaml :param namespace: the namespace to install jenkins in. defaults to cluster-tools :return: None on success, exception if failure. """ if helm_exists('jenkins', namespace): return helm_params = { 'clusterName': params.get('clusterName'), 'baseDomain': params.get('baseDomain'), 'certArn': params.get('certArn'), } install_aws_tools(helm_params) set_run_output(False) set_default_namespace(namespace) if not namespace_exists(namespace): create_namespace(namespace) helm_repo_add('simoncomputing', SIMON_CHARTS) helm_repo_update() set_run_output(True) # install chart helm_install('simoncomputing/jenkins', params, release_name='jenkins', values_path=abs_path('yaml/jenkins-values.yml'), namespace=namespace) # get pod time.sleep(1) pods = list_pods(namespace) jenkins_pod = False for p in pods: if p.get('name', '').find('jenkins') != -1: jenkins_pod = p.get('name', False) # wait for pod to be ready if not wait_for_pod(jenkins_pod, namespace, timeout=300): if jenkins_pod: run_command('kubectl', 'describe', 'pod', jenkins_pod, '-n', namespace) raise RuntimeError('Jenkins pod did not ready within 5 minutes. ' 'Please verify that your params are complete and correct.')
[docs]def install_efk(params: dict, namespace: str = 'logging'): """ Installs EFK to the current kubernetes environment. :param params: a dictionary containing the params to insert into the efk chart's values.yaml :param namespace: the namespace to install efk in. defaults to cluster-tools :return: None on success, exception if failure. """ if helm_exists('efk', namespace): return set_run_output(False) set_default_namespace(namespace) if not namespace_exists(namespace): create_namespace(namespace) helm_repo_add('simoncomputing', SIMON_CHARTS) helm_repo_update() set_run_output(True) # install chart helm_install('simoncomputing/efk', params, release_name='efk', values_path=abs_path('yaml/efk-values.yml'), namespace=namespace) # get pod attempts = 0 while attempts < 5: time.sleep(20) pods = list_pods(namespace) elastic_pod = False for p in pods: if p.get('name', '').find('elasticsearch') != -1: elastic_pod = p.get('name', False) break attempts += 1 # wait for pod to be ready if not elastic_pod or not wait_for_pod(elastic_pod, namespace, timeout=300): raise RuntimeError('Elastic pod did not ready. Please verify that your params are complete and correct.') for p in pods: if p.get('name', '').find('kibana') != -1: kibana_pod = p.get('name', False) # wait for pod to be ready if not wait_for_pod(kibana_pod, namespace, timeout=300): raise RuntimeError('Kibana pod did not ready within 5 minutes. ' 'Please verify that your params are complete and correct.')
def get_kibana_session(base_domain): """ Returns a request.Session() object with Kibana authorization and headers. :param base_domain: baseDomain from cluster-config :return: request.Session() object ready to be used for Kibana. """ kibana_secret = get_secret('elasticsearch-master-es-elastic-user', 'logging') kibana_password = base64.decodebytes(bytes(['elastic'], 'ascii')) session = requests.Session() session.auth = ('elastic', kibana_password) session.headers['kbn-xsrf'] = 'true' session.headers['Host'] = f'kibana.{base_domain}' session.verify = False requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(category=InsecureRequestWarning) return session def kibana_import_object(session, dns_name: str, file_path: str, overwrite=False, create_new=False): """ Makes an API call to Kibana to post an object. :param session: a requests.session object with auth and headers already set up :param dns_name: DNS name of the load balancer to route traffic to :param file_path: absolute path to the object being posted :param overwrite: Replace existing objects if there are conflicts. :param create_new: Generate new ids if True. Takes precedent over overwrite parameter. If not set and conflicts are found, raises error. Default is False. :returns: True if upload succeeds. False otherwise. """ # route to load balancer kibana_url = f'https://{dns_name}' # wait for service to ready up retry = 6 for _ in range(retry): resp = session.get(kibana_url) if resp.ok: break print('waiting for kibana to become available...') print(resp.raw) time.sleep(10) import_url = os.path.join(kibana_url, 'api/saved_objects/_import') if create_new: params = { 'createNewCopies': create_new } else: params = { 'overwrite': overwrite } with open(file_path, 'rb') as import_file: files = {'file': (file_path, import_file)} response =, params=params, files=files) print(response.status_code) try: response_body = response.json() except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError as e: print('Kibana upload failed') print(response.reason) print(str(e)) return False if not response_body.get('success', False): print(response_body) return False else: print('Upload Success') return True def kibana_import_objects(combined_file_path, session, dns_name: str, file_paths, overwrite=False, create_new=False): """ Combines all given files into one combined.ndjson file and then calls kibana_import_object. Files are combined to allow references across files. create_new=True changes the ids in file provided. However, if the reference is within one file, kibana automatically handles changing the reference. :param combined_file_path: The file location to place the combined ndjson file. If the file exists, uploading is skipped. :param session: a requests.session object with auth and headers already set up :param dns_name: DNS name of the load balancer to route traffic to :param file_paths: absolute path to the objects being uploaded :param overwrite: Replace existing objects if there are conflicts. :param create_new: Generate new ids if True. Takes precedent over overwrite parameter. If not set and conflicts are found, raises error. Default is False. :returns: True if upload succeeds. False otherwise. """ # do not create new dashboards if the combined file already exists, this will duplicate everything if os.path.exists(combined_file_path): return True with open(combined_file_path, 'w+') as output: for path in file_paths: with open(path, 'r') as input_file: output.write( output.write('\n') return kibana_import_object(session, dns_name, combined_file_path, overwrite, create_new) def configure_kibana(base_domain: str, dns_name: str): """ Adds the standard cluster dashboard to Kibana. :param dns_name: DNS name of the AWS load balancer :param base_domain: the baseDomain from the cluster-config. Used to create Kibana urls. :returns: True if all uploads succeed. False otherwise. """ session = get_kibana_session(base_domain) # create cluster dashboard filepath = abs_path('yaml/kibana/cluster-dashboard.ndjson') return kibana_import_object(session, dns_name, filepath, overwrite=True) def install_kibana_app_dashboards(app_dir: str, is_prd: bool): """ Installs boilerplate Kibana dashboards for the given app. :param app_dir: The directory containing app_config.yml for the app. :param is_prd: Whether the dashboard being created is for a production deployment :returns: True if all uploads were successful. False otherwise. """ from k9.deploy import read_app_config from k9.deploy import read_prd_app_config app_config = read_prd_app_config(app_dir) if is_prd else read_app_config(app_dir) app_name = app_config['appName'] file_names = ['boiler-dashboard', 'boiler-error-dashboard', 'boiler-api-dashboard', 'boiler-performance-dashboard'] output_file_paths = [] pathlib.Path(f'{app_dir}/values/kibana').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create dashboard files from templates for file_name in file_names: # read boiler content input_path = abs_path(f'yaml/kibana/{file_name}.ndjson') with open(input_path, 'r') as boiler_file: boiler_content = # replace 'boiler' with app name output_content = boiler_content.replace('boiler', app_name) output_name = file_name.replace('boiler', app_name) output_path = f'{app_dir}/values/kibana/{output_name}.ndjson' # write the templated files to the vales/kibana directory output_file_paths.append(output_path) with open(output_path, 'w+') as output_file: output_file.write(output_content) print(f'Created {output_name}.ndjson') # files are written, upload to every cluster in app-config root_domain = app_config['rootDomain'] success = True for deployment in app_config['deployments']: cluster_name = deployment['clusterName'] connect_to_cluster(cluster_name) base_domain = f'{cluster_name}.{root_domain}' session = get_kibana_session(base_domain) lb = get_cluster_load_balancer(cluster_name) print(f'Uploading {app_name} dashboards to {cluster_name}-cluster.') combined_file_path = f'{app_dir}/values/kibana/{cluster_name}-combined.ndjson' success = success and kibana_import_objects(combined_file_path, session, lb['DNSName'], output_file_paths, overwrite=False, create_new=True) print('Kibana dashboards installed.') if success else print('Kibana dashboards failed to install') return success
[docs]def install_sonarqube(params: dict, namespace: str = 'cicd'): """ Installs SonarQube to the current kubernetes environment. :param params: a dictionary containing the params to insert into the sonarqube chart's values.yaml :param namespace: the namespace to install sonarqube in. defaults to cluster-tools :return: None on success, exception if failure. """ if helm_exists('sonarqube', namespace): return # install chart # get pod # wait for pod to be ready set_run_output(False) set_default_namespace(namespace) if not namespace_exists(namespace): create_namespace(namespace) helm_repo_add('simoncomputing', SIMON_CHARTS) helm_repo_update() set_run_output(True) # install chart helm_install('simoncomputing/sonarqube', params, release_name='sonarqube', values_path=abs_path('yaml/sonarqube-values.yml'), namespace=namespace) # get pod time.sleep(5) pods = list_pods(namespace) sonar_pod = False for p in pods: if p.get('name', '').find('sonarqube-sonarqube') != -1: sonar_pod = p.get('name', False) # wait for pod to be ready if not wait_for_pod(sonar_pod, namespace, timeout=600): # this one takes around 6 minutes, give or take. so much longer than the rest. raise RuntimeError('Sonar pod did not ready within 5 minutes. ' 'Please verify that your params are complete and correct.')
[docs]def install_prometheus(params: dict, namespace: str = 'monitoring'): """ Installs Prometheus to the current kubernetes environment. :param params: a dictionary containing the params to insert into the prometheus chart's values.yaml :param namespace: the namespace to install prometheus in. defaults to cluster-tools :return: None on success, exception if failure. """ if helm_exists('prometheus', namespace): return # install chart # get pod # wait for pod to be ready set_run_output(False) set_default_namespace(namespace) if not namespace_exists(namespace): create_namespace(namespace) helm_repo_add('simoncomputing', SIMON_CHARTS) helm_repo_update() set_run_output(True) # install chart helm_install('simoncomputing/prometheus', params, release_name='prometheus', values_path=abs_path('yaml/prometheus-values.yml'), namespace=namespace) # get pod time.sleep(1) pods = list_pods(namespace) prom_pod = False for p in pods: if p.get('name', '').find('prometheus') != -1: prom_pod = p.get('name', False) # wait for pod to be ready if not wait_for_pod(prom_pod, namespace, timeout=300): raise RuntimeError('Prometheus pod did not ready within 5 minutes. ' 'Please verify that your params are complete and correct.')
[docs]def install_grafana(params: dict, namespace: str = 'monitoring'): """ Installs grafana to the current kubernetes environment. :param params: a dictionary containing the params to insert into the grafana chart's values.yaml :param namespace: the namespace to install grafana in. defaults to cluster-tools :return: None on success, exception if failure. """ if helm_exists('grafana', namespace): return # install chart # get pod # wait for pod to be ready set_run_output(False) set_default_namespace(namespace) if not namespace_exists(namespace): create_namespace(namespace) helm_repo_add('simoncomputing', SIMON_CHARTS) helm_repo_update() set_run_output(True) # install chart helm_install('simoncomputing/grafana', params, release_name='grafana', values_path=abs_path('yaml/grafana-values.yml'), namespace=namespace) # get pod time.sleep(1) pods = list_pods(namespace) grafana_pod = False for p in pods: if p.get('name', '').find('grafana') != -1: grafana_pod = p.get('name', False) # wait for pod to be ready if not wait_for_pod(grafana_pod, namespace, timeout=300): raise RuntimeError('Grafana pod did not ready within 5 minutes. ' 'Please verify that your params are complete and correct.')
def create_grafana_post(session, upload_url: str, json: dict, keep_uid=False): """ Sends a POST to the grafana API. Used to upload dashboards and notification channels :param session: a requests.session object with auth already set up :param upload_url: the exact API url to post to :param json: the json object being sent to the API :param keep_uid: If set, the uid found in the dashboard specification will be reused. Otherwise, a new one will be generated. Default: False :returns: True on Success, False on failure. """ data = json.copy() if 'dashboard' in data: data['dashboard']['id'] = None if not keep_uid: data['dashboard']['uid'] = None else: data['id'] = None if not keep_uid: data['uid'] = None response_body =, json=data) print(response_body.status_code) if response_body.status_code == 412 or response_body.status_code == 409: print('Item already exists') return True elif response_body.status_code == 200: print('Upload Success') return True else: print('Upload Failed') print(response_body.reason) return False def configure_grafana(base_domain: str, dns_name: str): """ Adds dashboards and notification channels to Grafana. :param base_domain: the baseDomain from the cluster-config. Used to create urls. :param dns_name: DNS name of the AWS load balancer :returns: True if all uploads succeeded. False otherwise. """ # get auth refresh_kubeconfig() credentials_secret = get_secret('grafana', namespace='monitoring') username = base64.decodebytes(bytes(['admin-user'], 'ascii')) password = base64.decodebytes(bytes(['admin-password'], 'ascii')) session = requests.Session() session.auth = (username, password) session.headers['Host'] = f'grafana.{base_domain}' session.verify = False requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(category=InsecureRequestWarning) dashboards = ['pod-health', 'kubernetes-volume-usage-percentage', # 'node-exporter-full', # 'kubernetes-cluster-autoscaler', ] grafana_path = abs_path('yaml/grafana') grafana_url = f'https://{dns_name}' # wait for service to ready up retry = 6 for _ in range(retry): resp = session.get(grafana_url) if resp.ok: break print('waiting for grafana to become available...') print(resp.raw) time.sleep(10) dashboard_url = os.path.join(grafana_url, 'api/dashboards/db') notification_channel_url = os.path.join(grafana_url, 'api/alert-notifications') success = True for d in dashboards: with open(f'{grafana_path}/dashboards/{d}.json') as f: d_json = json.load(f) if d_json: data = {'dashboard': d_json} success = success and create_grafana_post(session, dashboard_url, data) # notis (this is what calls self healing lambdas, among other things) notis = ['google-chat-alert'] for n in notis: with open(f'{grafana_path}/notification-channels/{n}.json') as f: n_json = json.load(f) if n_json: success = success and create_grafana_post(session, notification_channel_url, n_json, keep_uid=True) print('Created grafana notification channel: "Google Chat Alert". ' 'Update the Url to your google chat webhook to have notifications turned on.') return success def create_logins_secret(cluster_name: str): """ Puts Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus logins into an AWS secret :param cluster_name: the name of the cluster currently connected to. Used to name the secret. """ secret_name = f'{cluster_name}-monitoring-logins-secret' if secret.secret_exists(secret_name): print(f'{secret_name} already exists') return True kibana_secret = get_secret('elasticsearch-master-es-elastic-user', 'logging') kibana_user = 'elastic' kibana_password = base64.b64decode(bytes(['elastic'], encoding='utf8')).decode('utf-8') grafana_secret = get_secret('grafana', namespace='monitoring') grafana_user = base64.b64decode(bytes(['admin-user'], encoding='utf8')).decode('utf-8') grafana_password = base64.b64decode(bytes(['admin-password'], encoding='utf8')).decode('utf-8') content = { 'kibanaUser': kibana_user, 'kibanaPassword': str(kibana_password), 'grafanaUser': str(grafana_user), 'grafanaPassword': str(grafana_password) } tags = { 'clusterName': cluster_name, 'createdWith': 'k9-create-cluster' } secret.create_secret(secret_name, f'Kibana and Grafana web login credentials for {cluster_name} cluster.', kvp=content, tags=tags, ) print(f'{secret_name} created. Use may now view the login credentials within that secret.') def delete_logins_secret(cluster_name: str): """ Deletes secret that holds standard app logins. :param cluster_name: the name of the cluster currently connected to. Used to name the secret. """ secret_name = f'{cluster_name}-monitoring-logins-secret' if not secret.secret_exists(secret_name): print(f'{secret_name} does not exist, skipping delete') return True secret.delete_secret(secret_name, perma_delete=True) print(f'{secret_name} deleted')
[docs]def install_standard_apps(config): """ Called by :func:`k9.cluster_init.create_cluster` after creating the cluster. Deploys standard kubernetes apps: EFK, Grafana, Prometheus. Also adds dashboards to Kibana and Grafana. :param config: config dictionary as read from your cluster-config file """ print("Installing standard apps. If there are any errors, you may retry by running create cluster again.") cert_arn = cert.get_certificate(config['baseDomain'])[0]['CertificateArn'] base_domain = config['baseDomain'] helm_params = { 'clusterName': config['clusterName'], 'baseDomain': base_domain, 'certArn': cert_arn, } install_aws_tools(helm_params) install_efk(helm_params) install_prometheus(helm_params) install_grafana(helm_params) create_logins_secret(config['clusterName'])
def configure_standard_apps(base_domain, dns_name: str): """ Called as part of install_standard_apps after DNS routing is complete. Adds canned dashboards to standard apps. :param base_domain: the baseDomain from the cluster-config. Used to create urls. :param dns_name: DNS name of the AWS load balancer """ refresh_kubeconfig() print('Adding Kibana Dashboards') kibana_success = configure_kibana(base_domain, dns_name) print('Adding Grafana Dashboards') grafana_success = configure_grafana(base_domain, dns_name) return kibana_success and grafana_success
[docs]def create_access_role(cluster_name: str): """ Finds the EKS access role and configures aws-auth on the kubernetes cluster to allow the role access. Creates a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding for the user created in aws-auth. :param cluster_name: clusterName creating the role for, used to find the AWS role. :return: True on success, False if unable to access ConfigMaps, exception if other failure. """ # match the name format in atomic-cloud cfm template role = iam.get_role(f'{cluster_name}-eks-access-role') role_arn = role['Arn'] # add access role to aws_auth configmap add_arn_to_aws_auth(role_arn) # create ClusterRole and CLusterRoleBinding cr_body = util.read_yaml(abs_path('yaml/access-role/access-ClusterRole.yml')) try: client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().create_cluster_role(cr_body) except client.exceptions.ApiException: print('ClusterRole already exists') crb_body = util.read_yaml(abs_path('yaml/access-role/access-ClusterRoleBinding.yml')) try: client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().create_cluster_role_binding(crb_body) except client.exceptions.ApiException: print('ClusterRoleBinding already exists') print(f'{cluster_name}-eks-access-role created and configured. ' f'Manually add users to the trust policy to allow them to assume the role.') return True
def add_arn_to_aws_auth(role_arn: str): """ Adds the IAM entity arn to the current cluster's aws-auth ConfigMap. The arn is associated to a kubernetes user named eks-access-role-user. """ # build addition to aws-auth jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(abs_path('yaml/access-role')), autoescape=True) template = jinja_env.get_template('aws-auth-entry.yml') template_body = template.render({'roleArn': role_arn}) # find aws-auth and patch in new entry core = client.CoreV1Api() try: map_list = core.list_namespaced_config_map('kube-system') except client.exceptions.ApiException as e: if e.reason == 'Forbidden': print('The current AWS principle (role/user) does not have access to ConfigMaps') print('Cannot configure aws-auth configmap') return False raise e aws_auth = None for m in map_list.items: if == 'aws-auth': aws_auth = m break if role_arn not in['mapRoles']: new_body =['mapRoles'] + '\n' + template_body['mapRoles'] = new_body core.patch_namespaced_config_map(name='aws-auth', namespace='kube-system', body=aws_auth) print('patched aws-auth') else: print('aws-auth already patched') def configure_access_to_cluster(cluster_name: str): """ Adds the current IAM entity to a cluster. Current IAM entity must be able to assume the cluster's eks-access-role. See for information on assuming an access role. :param cluster_name: The cluster to configure access to. :return: True on success, False otherwise. """ # match the name format in atomic-cloud cfm template role = iam.get_role(f'{cluster_name}-eks-access-role') role_arn = role['Arn'] from k9.deploy import get_caller_identity my_arn = get_caller_identity()['Arn'] # assume access role try: shell(f'aws sts assume-role --role-arn {role_arn} --role-session-name configure-access', silent=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if 'AccessDenied' in str(e.stderr): print(f'\nThe current IAM entity does not have permissions to assume {role_arn}. ' f'See for information on assuming a cluster ' f'access role.') return False shell(f'aws eks update-kubeconfig --name {cluster_name}-cluster --role-arn {role_arn}', silent=True) kube_config.load_kube_config() add_arn_to_aws_auth(my_arn) # un-assume access role connect_to_cluster(cluster_name) return True def _get_rds_instance_name(cluster_name: str): ''' Helper function to be used by create_cicd() to get rds instance name for cicd ''' databases = rds.list_db_instances(eks_cluster_name=cluster_name) rds_instance_name = None if len(databases) == 0: raise ValueError(f'The cluster with name {cluster_name} does not have any associated RDS instances.') elif len(databases) == 1: rds_instance_name = databases[0]['DBInstanceIdentifier'] else: for database in databases: if util.get_tag_value(database, 'default', 'TagList') == 'True': rds_instance_name = database['DBInstanceIdentifier'] break if not rds_instance_name: raise ValueError(f'There was no RDS instance that was found with a default tag.') return rds_instance_name def _get_jenkins_password(cluster_name: str): ''' Helper function to be used by create_cicd() to get Jenkins password if defined in secret manager. Otherwise, it will random generated and put to a secret manager. :param cluster_name :return Jenkins password ''' secret_name = cluster_name + '-jenkins-password' jenkins_tags = { "clusterName": cluster_name, "type": 'Jenkins login' } try: if not secret.secret_exists_by_tags(tags=jenkins_tags): if not secret.secret_exists(name=secret_name): password = util.generate_random_password() tags = { 'Name': secret_name, 'clusterName': cluster_name, 'type': 'Jenkins login' } secret.create_secret(name=secret_name, description=f"Jenkins web login credentials for the {cluster_name} cluster.", kvp={'username': 'admin', 'password': password}, tags=tags) resulting_secret = secret.get_secret_value(name=secret_name) secret.wait_for_secret(name=secret_name, value=resulting_secret) return password else: return secret.get_secret_value(name=secret_name, key='password') else: return secret.get_secrets_by_tags(tags=jenkins_tags, desired_key='password')[0] except Exception as e: print( f'ERROR: An error occurred while attempting to create/retrieve the Jenkins login secret for the cluster {cluster_name}.') print(e) raise e def _get_rds_hostname(rds_instance_name: str, cluster_name: str): ''' Helper function to get rds hostname of the rds instance through secret manager ''' rds_secret_name = rds_instance_name + "-credentials" rds_tags = { "rdsInstance": rds_instance_name, "secretType": "RDS login credentials", "clusterName": cluster_name } if not secret.secret_exists_by_tags(tags=rds_tags): if not secret.secret_exists(rds_secret_name): raise Exception(f'Password secret for cluster with clusterName {cluster_name} does not exist.') return secret.get_secret_value(name=rds_secret_name, key='host') else: return secret.get_secrets_by_tags(tags=rds_tags, desired_key='host')[0] def _get_sonar_credential(sonar_db_info: dict, cluster_name: str): env = sonar_db_info['deployments'][0]['environments'][0]['env'] app_name = sonar_db_info['appName'] database_name = env + "_" + app_name master_secret_name = env + "-" + app_name + "-master" master_tags = { "databaseName": database_name, "appName": app_name, "secretType": "Application database user credentials", "clusterName": cluster_name, "userType": "Master", "env": env } if not secret.secret_exists_by_tags(tags=master_tags): if not secret.secret_exists(master_secret_name): raise Exception(f'Password secret for cluster with clusterName {cluster_name} does not exist.') sonar_user = secret.get_secret_value(name=master_secret_name, key='username') sonar_password = secret.get_secret_value(name=master_secret_name, key='password') else: sonar_user = secret.get_secrets_by_tags(tags=master_tags, desired_key='username')[0] sonar_password = secret.get_secrets_by_tags(tags=master_tags, desired_key='password')[0] sonar_credential = { 'user': sonar_user, 'password': sonar_password } return sonar_credential
[docs]def create_cicd(config): """ Called by :func:`k9.cluster_init.create_cluster` if creating a cicd cluster. Deploys cicd apps: Jenkins and SonarQube """ cluster_name = config.get('clusterName') if not cluster_name: print(f'ERROR: The cluster-config.yml does not contain a clusterName.') raise ValueError('The cluster-config.yml does not contain a clusterName.') connect_to_cluster(cluster_name) base_domain = config.get('baseDomain') if not base_domain: print(f'ERROR: The cluster-config.yml does not contain a baseDomain.') raise ValueError('The cluster-config.yml does not contain a baseDomain.') certificate = '*.' + base_domain cert_arn = cert.get_cert_arn(domain=certificate) if not cert_arn: print(f'ERROR: The certificate {certificate} does not exist.') raise ValueError(f'The certificate {certificate} does not exist.') jenkins_password = _get_jenkins_password(cluster_name) jenkins_user = secret.get_secret_value(f'{cluster_name}-jenkins-password', 'username') if not namespace_exists(namespace='cicd'): create_namespace(namespace='cicd') try: run_command('kubectl', 'apply', '-f', abs_path('yaml/jenkins-pvc.yml'), '-n', 'cicd') except Exception as e: print(f'An error occurred while attempting to create the persistent volume claim for Jenkins.') raise e secret_dict = { 'jenkins-admin-password': jenkins_password, 'jenkins-admin-user': jenkins_user, } if not secret_exists('jenkins', 'cicd'): create_secret('jenkins', secret_dict, 'cicd') jenkins_params = { 'clusterName': cluster_name, 'baseDomain': base_domain, 'certArn': cert_arn } try: print('Installing Jenkins...') install_jenkins(jenkins_params, namespace='cicd') except Exception as e: print('An error occurred while attempting to create Jenkins.') print(e) raise e print('Jenkins has been installed.') # SonarQube rds_instance_name = _get_rds_instance_name(cluster_name) rds_hostname = _get_rds_hostname(rds_instance_name, cluster_name) app_database_info = { "appName": "sonar", "deployments": [{ "clusterName": cluster_name, "environments": [{ "env": "cicd", "rdsInstance": rds_instance_name }] }] } total_no_action, total_successful, total_failure = create_app_databases(app_config=app_database_info) if len(total_no_action) > 0 or len(total_successful) != 1 or len(total_failure) > 0: raise Exception(f'Creation of application database for SonarQube was unsuccessful.') env = app_database_info['deployments'][0]['environments'][0]['env'] app_name = app_database_info['appName'] database_name = env + "_" + app_name sonar_credential = _get_sonar_credential(app_database_info, cluster_name) sonar_user = sonar_credential['user'] sonar_password = sonar_credential['password'] sonar_params = { 'clusterName': cluster_name, 'baseDomain': base_domain, 'certArn': cert_arn, 'sonarServerHost': rds_hostname, 'sonarDb': database_name, 'sonarUser': sonar_user } connect_to_cluster(cluster_name) if not secret_exists('sonar-password', 'cicd'): set_default_namespace('cicd') create_secret('sonar-password', {'postgresql-password': sonar_password}, 'cicd') try: print('Installing SonarQube...') install_sonarqube(sonar_params, namespace='cicd') except Exception as e: print('An error occurred while attempting to create SonarQube.') print(e) raise e print('SonarQube has been installed.') run_command('kubectl', 'get', 'ing', '-n', 'cicd') print('DNS Routing must be done manually now. Run the "k9 link cicd" command when you can access the hosts printed above.') print('cicd deployed')
def configure_sonar_for_linking(config): """ Configures the sonar site to update the default admin's password, to create a Jenkins admin, and to create a user token for the Jenkins user Note: this should be run only after the create_cicd function has been run and DNS routing has been completed. :param config: The cluster-config of the cluster used for cicd in dict form :return: The user token used to link Jenkins and SonarQube """ cluster_name = config.get('clusterName') if not cluster_name: raise ValueError('ERROR: The cluster-config.yml does not contain a clusterName.') connect_to_cluster(cluster_name) base_domain = config.get('baseDomain') if not base_domain: raise ValueError('ERROR: The cluster-config.yml does not contain a baseDomain.') if not helm_exists('jenkins', 'cicd') or not helm_exists('sonarqube', 'cicd'): raise ValueError('ERROR: Jenkins or SonarQube has not been installed. Please run the k9 create cicd command before running this.') sonar_url = f"https://sonar.{base_domain}" admin_login, admin_password = update_default_sonar_user_password(sonar_url=sonar_url, cluster_name=cluster_name) create_jenkins_user_in_sonar(sonar_url=sonar_url, admin_login=admin_login, admin_password=admin_password) user_token = create_jenkins_user_token(sonar_url=sonar_url, admin_login=admin_login, admin_password=admin_password) return user_token def update_default_sonar_user_password(sonar_url: str, cluster_name: str): """ Updates the SonarQube default admin's password. Returns an error if sonar site is unreachable. Note: this should be run only after the create_cicd function has been run and DNS routing has been completed. :param sonar_url: The url of the SonarQube site :return: The updated credentials for the default admin """ sonar_default_login = secret.get_secret_value('default-sonarqube-credentials', 'login') sonar_default_password = secret.get_secret_value('default-sonarqube-credentials', 'password') login_data = { 'login': sonar_default_login, 'password': sonar_default_password } print('Connecting to SonarQube...') login_response ='{sonar_url}/api/authentication/login', data = login_data) print("Updating SonarQube administrator's password from default...") sonar_jenkins_user_tags = { 'clusterName': cluster_name, 'secretType': 'Admin user in SonarQube credentials' } if login_response.status_code == 200: jenkins_user_in_sonar_secret = f"{cluster_name}-sonar-web-login-credentials" if not secret.secret_exists_by_tags(tags=sonar_jenkins_user_tags): password = util.generate_random_password() sonar_jenkins_user_tags['Name'] = jenkins_user_in_sonar_secret secret.create_secret(name=jenkins_user_in_sonar_secret, description=f"SonarQube web login credentials for the {cluster_name} cluster.", kvp={'login': sonar_default_login, 'password': password}, tags=sonar_jenkins_user_tags) resulting_secret = secret.get_secret_value(name=jenkins_user_in_sonar_secret) secret.wait_for_secret(name=jenkins_user_in_sonar_secret, value=resulting_secret) admin_login = secret.get_secret_value(jenkins_user_in_sonar_secret, 'login') admin_password = secret.get_secret_value(jenkins_user_in_sonar_secret, 'password') else: admin_login = secret.get_secrets_by_tags(tags=sonar_jenkins_user_tags, desired_key='login')[0] admin_password = secret.get_secrets_by_tags(tags=sonar_jenkins_user_tags, desired_key='password')[0] changed_password_data = { 'login': admin_login, 'password': admin_password, 'previousPassword': sonar_default_password, } change_password_response ='{sonar_url}/api/users/change_password', data = changed_password_data, auth = (sonar_default_login, sonar_default_password)) if (change_password_response.status_code >= 400): print("WARNING: Sonar administrator's password was not successfully updated. This will need to be done manually.") admin_login = sonar_default_login admin_password = sonar_default_password else: print("Sonar administrator's password was successfully updated.") elif login_response.status_code == 401: print("Sonar administrator's password has already been updated.") admin_login = secret.get_secrets_by_tags(tags=sonar_jenkins_user_tags, desired_key='login')[0] admin_password = secret.get_secrets_by_tags(tags=sonar_jenkins_user_tags, desired_key='password')[0] else: raise ValueError(f'ERROR: Could not connect to the sonar site at {sonar_url}. Please ensure that you have completed DNS routing and are able to access this site.') return admin_login, admin_password def create_jenkins_user_in_sonar(sonar_url: str, admin_login: str, admin_password: str): """ Creates the Jenkins user and assigns administrator privileges to it. Note: this should be run only after the create_cicd function has been run and DNS routing has been completed. :param sonar_url: The url of the SonarQube site :param admin_login: The login for the default admin user :param admin_password: The password for the default admin user """ print('Creating Jenkins user...') users_response = requests.get(f'{sonar_url}/api/users/search', params={'ps': 500}, auth = (admin_login, admin_password)) users: list = users_response.json().get('users') jenkins_user = list(filter(lambda usr: usr.get('login') == 'jenkins', users)) if not jenkins_user: jenkins_user_params = { 'login': 'jenkins', 'name': 'Jenkins', 'password': util.generate_random_password() } create_user_response ='{sonar_url}/api/users/create', data=jenkins_user_params, auth = (admin_login, admin_password)) if (create_user_response.status_code >= 400): raise ValueError("ERROR: Jenkins user in SonarQube was unable to be created.") else: print('Jenkins user created successfully.') else: print('Jenkins user already created.') print('Adding user as an administrator...') group_params = { 'login': 'jenkins', 'name': 'sonar-administrators' } add_user_to_group_response ='{sonar_url}/api/user_groups/add_user', data=group_params, auth = (admin_login, admin_password)) if (add_user_to_group_response.status_code >= 400): raise ValueError("ERROR: Jenkins user was not able to be added as an administrator.") else: print('Jenkins user was added as an administrator successfully.') def create_jenkins_user_token(sonar_url: str, admin_login: str, admin_password: str): """ Creates a user token for the Jenkins user. Note: this should be run only after the create_cicd function has been run and DNS routing has been completed. :param sonar_url: The url of the SonarQube site :param admin_login: The login for the default admin user :param admin_password: The password for the default admin user """ print('Creating user token...') token_exists_response = requests.get(f'{sonar_url}/api/user_tokens/search', params = {'login': 'jenkins'}, auth = (admin_login, admin_password)) token_exists: list = token_exists_response.json().get('userTokens') if token_exists: raise ValueError('ERROR: The Jenkins user already has a user token. Please manually delete all tokens before continuing.') token_params = { 'login': 'jenkins', 'name': 'sonar-jenkins-user-token' } add_token_response ='{sonar_url}/api/user_tokens/generate', data=token_params, auth = (admin_login, admin_password)) if (add_token_response.status_code >= 400): raise ValueError("ERROR: Jenkins user token was not able to be created.") return add_token_response.json().get('token') def delete_cicd(config: dict): """ Deletes resources created by create_cicd and removes Jenkins and Sonar deployments. :param config: cluster-config.yml """ cluster_name = config['clusterName'] connect_to_cluster(cluster_name) # delete AWS secrets jenkins_secret = cluster_name + '-jenkins-password' secret.delete_secret(jenkins_secret, perma_delete=True) sonar_secret = cluster_name + '-cluster-sonar-password' secret.delete_secret(sonar_secret, perma_delete=True) jenkins_user_in_sonar_secret = f"{cluster_name}-sonar-web-login-credentials" secret.delete_secret(jenkins_user_in_sonar_secret, perma_delete=True) if helm_exists('jenkins', 'cicd'): helm_uninstall('jenkins', 'cicd') if helm_exists('sonarqube', 'cicd'): helm_uninstall('sonarqube', 'cicd') # delete sonar db rds_instance_name = _get_rds_instance_name(cluster_name) delete_app_database(cluster_name, 'sonar', 'cicd', rds_instance_name) print('Jenkins and Sonar uninstalled.')
[docs]def create_cluster(config, cwd: str): """ Called by create cluster cli. Does all cluster setup including CloudFormation stacks, installing standard apps, configuring standard apps, and create an access role for the cluster. :param config: config dictionary as read from your cluster-config file :param cwd: the current working directory that contains all the cfm template files """ cfm.set_template_path(cwd) cluster.create_cluster(config) print('Cluster created.') # configure kubectl cluster_name = config['clusterName'] connect_to_cluster(cluster_name) print('Creating EKS access role...') create_access_role(cluster_name) print('\nEKS access role created.\n') print('Installing standard apps...') install_standard_apps(config) print('\nAll standard apps deployed successfully.\n') print('Configuring standard apps...') lb = get_cluster_load_balancer(cluster_name) if lb is None: print('Cluster load balancer not found. Cannot configure standard apps.') return configure_standard_apps(base_domain=config['baseDomain'], dns_name=lb['DNSName']) print('\nStandard apps configured.\n') print(f'Route *.{config["baseDomain"]} to {lb["DNSName"]}\n')
def delete_volumes(cluster_name: str): """ Deletes all ELB volumes created as part of the Kubernetes cluster. :param cluster_name: The name of the cluster to delete all volumes within. (appends '-cluster' to find the ControlPlane) """ refresh_kubeconfig() client = ec2.get_ec2() # find volumes with the tag identifying them as part of this cluster response = client.describe_volumes( Filters=[ { 'Name': f'{cluster_name}-cluster', 'Values': ['owned',] } ] ) for v in response['Volumes']: volume_id = v['VolumeId'] print(f'Deleting volume: {volume_id}') # detach and then delete try: ec2.get_ec2().detach_volume(VolumeId=volume_id, Force=True) except Exception as e: # if volume already detached, continue to delete if 'IncorrectState' in str(e) or 'InvalidAttachment.NotFound' in str(e): print('Volume already detached') else: raise e try: response = ec2.get_ec2().delete_volume(VolumeId=volume_id) print(response) except Exception as e: # root volumes are removed with eks worker nodes if 'root' in str(e): print('Not deleting root volume, that will be cleaned later') elif 'currently attached' in str(e): print(str(e)) print(f'{volume_id} may be left behind after delete cluster finishes. Check manually in AWS console.') else: raise e def get_cluster_load_balancer(cluster_name: str): """ Gets the load balancer for a vpc name clusterName-01-vpc. :param cluster_name: The cluster to find the load balancer for. :returns: Load balancer object if found. None otherwise. """ try: vpc_id = cfm.get_output(cluster_name + '-01-vpc', 'VPC') except TypeError: return None load_balancers = region.get_elbv2().describe_load_balancers() for lb in load_balancers['LoadBalancers']: if lb['VpcId'] == vpc_id: return lb