Source code for k9.exts

from k9.core import *
from kubernetes import client

# Ingress

[docs]def list_ingress(namespace: str = None): """ Lists ingresses in a namespace. :param namespace: The namespace to search in. If not present, we use the default namespace. :return: A list of every ingress in the namespace. Example Output:: [ { 'name': 'kibana-ing', 'namespace': 'logging', 'hosts': [ '' ], 'address': [ '', '', '' ], 'age': 123456789 } ] """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return [ { 'name':, 'namespace': ing.metadata.namespace, 'hosts': [ tls.hosts for tls in ing.spec.tls ], 'address': [ for rule in ing.spec.rules ], 'age': get_age(ing.metadata.creation_timestamp) } for ing in client.NetworkingV1Api().list_namespaced_ingress(namespace).items ]
[docs]def ingress_exists(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Checks existence of specified ingress. :param name: Name of ingress to check. :param namespace: Namespace to check, if None, check in default namespace. :return: True if specified ingress exists. """ try: if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() result = get_ingress(name, namespace) return == name except: return False
[docs]def get_ingress(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Get details of specified ingress. :param name: Name of ingress to get. :param namespace: Namespace to get ingress from. If None, get from default namespace. :return: `ExtensionsV1beta1Ingress <>`_ """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return client.NetworkingV1Api().read_namespaced_ingress(name, namespace)
[docs]def create_ingress(body: dict, namespace: str = None): """ Creates an ingress point - which defines :param body: Contains Ingress Definition - :param namespace: Namespace to create ingress in. If None, use default namespace :return: `ExtensionsV1beta1Ingress <>`_ Example YAML File:: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: tomcat-ing-dev spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - path: / backend: serviceName: tomcat-svc-dev servicePort: 8080 tls: - hosts: - Example Call: from k9.helper import read_yaml, create_ingress body = read_yaml('../test/tomcat-ing-dev.yml') create_ingress(body) """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return client.NetworkingV1Api().create_namespaced_ingress(namespace, body)
def add_ingress_rule(name: str, service_name: str, service_port: int, host: str = None, paths=None, namespace: str = None): """ Adds a rule to an ingress. :param name: the name of the ingress to add the rule to :param service_name: the service the rule points to :param service_port: the port the service is listening on :param host: the hostname to use (optional) :param paths: list of paths to use (optional). If not supplied, serves on any path ('/') :param namespace: the namespace the ingress is in. if not supplied, we use the default namespace """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() ing = get_ingress(name, namespace) # will throw an exception if not found rules = [] # existing rules need to be reformatted for r in ing.spec.rules: rule = {"http": {"paths": []}} for p in r.http.paths: rule["http"]["paths"].append({ "path": p.path, "pathType": p.path_type, "backend": { "service": { "name":, "port": {"number": p.backend.service.port.number} } } }) if rule['host'] = rules.append(rule) new_rule = {"http": {"paths": []}} if host: new_rule["host"] = host if paths: for p in paths: new_rule["http"]["paths"].append({ "path": p, "pathType": "Prefix", "backend": { "service": { "name": service_name, "port": {"number": service_port} } } }) else: # add base path new_rule["http"]["paths"].append({ "path": "/", "pathType": "Prefix", "backend": { "service": { "name": service_name, "port": {"number": service_port} } } }) rules.append(new_rule) ing.spec.rules = rules print("===AFTER", ing) return client.NetworkingV1Api().patch_namespaced_ingress(name, namespace, ing)
[docs]def delete_ingress(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Deletes specified ingress. :param name: Name of ingress :param namespace: Namespace to delete from. If None, remove from default namespace. :return: None if ingress doesn't exist, `V1Status <>`_ """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() if ingress_exists(name, namespace): return client.NetworkingV1Api().delete_namespaced_ingress(name, namespace) else: return None