Source code for k9.helm

import json
import os
import subprocess

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from k9.core import last_word, namespace_exists, get_default_namespace, create_namespace, run_command

[docs]def helm_repo_add(repo_name: str, repo_url: str): """ Adds the repository to the current kubernetes environment. :param repo_name: Local name of repository :param repo_url: URL of repository :return: output string on success, exception if failure. """ try: return run_command('helm', 'repo', 'add', repo_name, repo_url) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # ignore error if helm repo already added if 'already exists' not in str(e.stderr): raise e
[docs]def helm_repo_update(): """ Update the local copy of the repository with the current repository. :return: output string on success, exception if failure. """ return run_command('helm', 'repo', 'update')
[docs]def helm_repo_ls(): """ Lists available repositories. :return: Object derived from JSON output, exception on failure. """ result = run_command('helm', 'repo', 'list', '-o', 'json') return json.loads(result.stdout)
[docs]def helm_repo_remove(repo_name: str): """ Removes a repository. :param repo_name: :return: output string on success, exception if failure. """ return run_command('helm', 'repo', 'remove', repo_name)
[docs]def helm_install(chart_name: str, params, release_name: str = None, values_path: str = None, debug=False, namespace: str = None): """ Runs the Helm installation for the specified chart. Before the chart is installed, the values file which should have the same name as the release_name will be evaluated with Jinja, using the parameters to build the new values file. The values file is written to the .output/{{release-name}}-values.yaml. Helm installation is run with this 'values.yaml' file and on the default namespace set using set_default_namespace() :param chart_name: Name of Chart. :param params: Parameter values in a Dictionary used when pre-processing values. If it is not a dictionary, the vars() function is run on the object to create a dictionary. :param release_name: If None - release_name is defaulted to the last word in chart_name. For example if chart_name is "stable/tomcat", the release_name is "tomcat". Release name is also used to construct the charts values file in the following format: ./charts/{{release_name}}-values.yaml :param values_path: Override values file location :param debug: If True, runs Helm with --debug and --dry-run, which will not actually run and displays the chart values. Default is False. :param namespace: Namespace to install the chart on. If None, we use the default namespace. :return: output string on success, exception if failure. """ f = None try: if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() if not namespace_exists(namespace): create_namespace(namespace) if not isinstance(params, dict): params = vars(params) # setup release_name if release_name is None: release_name = last_word(chart_name) # get helm value file value_fn = f'{release_name}-values.yaml' vp_dir = './charts/' if values_path: vp_dir = values_path[0:values_path.rfind('/')] if not os.path.exists(f'{vp_dir}/{value_fn}'): value_fn = f'{release_name}-values.yml' if not os.path.exists(f'{vp_dir}/{value_fn}'): print(f'values file not found: {vp_dir}/{value_fn}') env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(vp_dir), autoescape=True) template = env.get_template(value_fn) template_body = template.render(params) if not os.path.exists('./.output'): os.mkdir('./.output') value_path = f'./.output/{value_fn}' f = open(value_path, 'w+') f.write(template_body) f.close() the_call = ['helm', 'install', '-n', namespace, '-f', value_path, release_name, chart_name] if debug: the_call.extend(['--debug', '--dry-run']) return run_command(*the_call) finally: if f is not None: f.close()
[docs]def helm_ls(namespace: str = None): """ Lists all current helm installations. :param namespace: Namespace to list charts from. If None, we use the default namespace. :return: List of all helm installations. Throws exception on error. Sample Output:: [ {"name":"tomcat", "namespace":"default", "revision":"1", "updated":"2019-12-10 18:28:43.753814 -0500 EST", "status":"deployed", "chart":"tomcat-0.4.0", "app_version":"7.0"} ] """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() result = run_command('helm', '-n', namespace, 'ls', '-o', 'json') values = json.loads(result.stdout) return values
[docs]def helm_exists(release_name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Returns true if the specified release_name exist. :param release_name: Name of release. :param namespace: Namespace to check for the chart in. If None, we use the default namespace. :return: True if found. """ result = helm_ls(namespace) found = [ release for release in result if release['name'] == release_name ] return len(found) > 0
[docs]def helm_uninstall(release_name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Uninstalls the specified release. :param release_name: Name of the release you want to uninstall. :param namespace: Namespace to uninstall the chart from. If None, we use the default namespace. :return: Returns output value from uninstall process. Otherwise, throws exception. """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return run_command('helm', 'uninstall', '-n', namespace, release_name)