Source code for k9.rbac

from kubernetes import client
from k9.core import get_default_namespace

# Roles

[docs]def list_roles(namespace: str = None): """ List all cluster roles :param namespace: Then namespace to list roles from. If None, uses the default namespace. :return: A list of dictionary items with **name** and **created**. """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return [ { 'name':, 'created': role.metadata.creation_timestamp } for role in client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().list_namespaced_role(namespace).items ]
[docs]def create_role(body: dict, namespace: str = None): """ Create a role from an object defining the role. :param body: The role definition object. :param namespace: Then namespace to create role in. If None, uses the default namespace. :return: `V1Role <>`_ Example YAML file:: apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: ecr-login-role rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["create", "delete"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["serviceaccounts"] verbs: ["get", "patch"] Example Call:: from k9.helper import ( set_default_namespace, create_role, read_yaml ) set_default_namespace('my-namespace') body = read_yaml('ecr-login-role.yml') result = create_role(body) """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().create_namespaced_role(namespace, body)
[docs]def delete_role(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Deletes the specified cluster :param name: Name of cluster :param namespace: Then namespace to delete role from. If None, uses the default namespace. :return: None if role exists, otherwise return `V1Status <>`_ """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() if role_exists(name, namespace): return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().delete_namespaced_role(name, namespace) else: return None
[docs]def get_role(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Gets the specified cluster role. :param name: Name of cluster role to retrieve. :param namespace: Then namespace to get role from. If None, uses the default namespace. :return: `V1Role <>`_ """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().read_namespaced_role(name, namespace)
[docs]def role_exists(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Checks for the cluster role's existence. :param name: Name of cluster role to look for. :param namespace: Then namespace to check for role. If None, uses the default namespace. :return: True if specified cluster role exists. """ try: if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() result = get_role(name, namespace) return == name except: return False
[docs]def create_role_binding(name: str, role: str, sa: str, namespace: str = None): """ Bind the specified role to the specified service account. :param name: Name of binding we are creating here :param role: The cluster role name to bind with. :param sa: The service account to bind this role to. :param namespace: The namespace of role and service account. If namespace is None, then the binding will be performed in the default namespace. :return: `V1RoleBinding <>`_ Example:: result = create_role_binding(binding_name, role_name, sa_name) """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() body =\ { 'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'RoleBinding', 'metadata': { 'name': name, 'namespace': namespace }, 'roleRef': { 'apiGroup': '', 'kind': 'Role', 'name': role }, 'subjects': [{ 'kind': 'ServiceAccount', 'name': sa, 'namespace': namespace }] } return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().create_namespaced_role_binding(namespace, body)
[docs]def get_role_binding(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Get cluster role binding information :param name: Name of cluster role binding :param namespace: Then namespace to get role binding from. If None, uses the default namespace. :return: `V1RoleBinding <>`_ """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().read_namespaced_role_binding(name, namespace)
[docs]def role_binding_exists(name:str, namespace: str = None): """ Checks for the existence of the cluster role binding. :param name: name of cluster role binding. :param namespace: Then namespace to check for role binding. If None, uses the default namespace. :return: True if binding exists. """ try: if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() result = get_role_binding(name, namespace) return == name except: return False
[docs]def delete_role_binding(name: str, namespace: str = None): """ Delete cluster role binding :param name: cluster role binding name :param namespace: Then namespace to delete role binding from. If None, uses the default namespace. :return: `V1Status <>`_ """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() if role_binding_exists(name, namespace): return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().delete_namespaced_role_binding(name, namespace) else: return None
########################################################################### # Cluster Roles ###########################################################################
[docs]def list_cluster_roles(): """ List all cluster roles :return: A list of dictionary items with **name** and **created**. """ return [ { 'name':, 'created': role.metadata.creation_timestamp } for role in client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().list_cluster_role().items ]
[docs]def create_cluster_role(body: dict): """ Create a cluster role from an object defining the role. Example:: role = { 'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'ClusterRole', 'metadata': {'name': f'{role_name}'}, 'rules': [ { 'apiGroups': [''], 'resources': ['secrets'], 'verbs': ['create', 'delete'] }, { 'apiGroups': [''], 'resources': ['serviceaccounts'], 'verbs': ['get', 'patch'] } ] } result = create_cluster_role(role) Result:: {'aggregation_rule': None, 'api_version': '', 'kind': 'ClusterRole', 'metadata': {'annotations': None, 'cluster_name': None, 'creation_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 16, 17, 33, 28, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'deletion_grace_period_seconds': None, 'deletion_timestamp': None, 'finalizers': None, 'generate_name': None, 'generation': None, 'initializers': None, 'labels': None, 'managed_fields': None, 'name': 'ecr-login-role', 'namespace': None, 'owner_references': None, 'resource_version': '1901293', 'self_link': '/apis/', 'uid': '10ccdf2b-f03b-11e9-9956-025000000001'}, 'rules': [{'api_groups': [''], 'non_resource_ur_ls': None, 'resource_names': None, 'resources': ['secrets'], 'verbs': ['create', 'delete']}]}" :param body: The role definition object. :return: `V1ClusterRole <>`_ """ return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().create_cluster_role(body)
[docs]def delete_cluster_role(name: str): """ Deletes the specified cluster :param name: Name of cluster :return: None if cluster role doesn't exist, otherwise returns `V1Status <>`_ """ if cluster_role_exists(name): return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().delete_cluster_role(name) else: return None
[docs]def get_cluster_role(name: str): """ Gets the specified cluster role. :param name: Name of cluster role to retrieve. :return: `V1ClusterRole <>`_ """ return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().read_cluster_role(name)
[docs]def cluster_role_exists(name:str): """ Checks for the cluster role's existence. :param name: Name of cluster role to look for. :return: True if specified cluster role exists. """ try: result = get_cluster_role(name) return == name except: return False
[docs]def create_cluster_role_binding(name: str, role: str, sa: str, namespace: str = None): """ Bind the specified role to the specified service account. :param name: Name of binding we are creating here. :param role: The cluster role name to bind with. :param sa: The service account to bind this role to. :param namespace: The namespace of the **service account**. If namespace is None, then the binding will be performed on service account in the default namespace. :return: `V1ClusterRoleBinding <>`_ Example:: result = create_cluster_role_binding(cr_bind_name, cr_name, sa_name) """ if namespace is None: namespace = get_default_namespace() body =\ { 'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'ClusterRoleBinding', 'metadata': {'name': name}, 'roleRef': { 'apiGroup': '', 'kind': 'ClusterRole', 'name': role }, 'subjects': [{ 'kind': 'ServiceAccount', 'name': sa, 'namespace': namespace }] } return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().create_cluster_role_binding(body)
[docs]def get_cluster_role_binding(name: str): """ Get cluster role binding information :param name: Name of cluster role binding :return: `V1ClusterRoleBinding <>`_ """ return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().read_cluster_role_binding(name)
[docs]def cluster_role_binding_exists(name:str): """ Checks for the existence of the cluster role binding. :param name: name of cluster role binding. :return: True if binding exists. """ try: result = get_cluster_role_binding(name) return == name except: return False
[docs]def delete_cluster_role_binding(name: str): """ Delete cluster role binding :param name: cluster role binding name :return: None if cluster role binding doesn't exist, otherwise returns `V1Status <>`_ """ if cluster_role_binding_exists(name): return client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api().delete_cluster_role_binding(name) else: return None